jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023

OUTPUT sql server

In SQL Server, you can return multiple output parameters from a stored procedure using the OUTPUT keyword for each output parameter. Here is an example of how to do this:

 ALTER PROCEDURE myStoredProcedure

    @inputParam1 INT,

    @inputParam2 VARCHAR(50),

    @outputParam1 INT OUTPUT,

    @outputParam2 VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT



    -- your stored procedure code here

    SET @outputParam1 = 12345

    SET @outputParam2 = 'Hello World'


DECLARE @output1 INT

DECLARE @output2 VARCHAR(50)

EXEC myStoredProcedure 1, 'input2', @output1 OUTPUT, @output2 OUTPUT

SELECT @output1 AS 'Output 1', @output2 AS 'Output 2'

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